Worried about violating your probation sentence?

FinishProbation is an app that lowers your chances of violating your probation sentence.

Google Play FinishProbation
See the end date to probation on this app

Avoid calling a hotline every day.

Drug Test Notifications

Avoid the possibility of missing a drug test. Get notified whether you have to take a drug test or not.
Find your testing location today.

Get Notified

Finish Probation Logo
"Red" is required to test
Our services indicate that "Red" is required to test at {Your Test Location}. Tap notification to verify test location information.
Finish Probation Logo
"Blue" is NOT required to test
Our services indicate that "Blue" is NOT required to test at {Your Test Location}. Tap notification to verify test location information.

Learn how often your color is called.

Historical Tracking

Subscribers get access to the last 90 days of their drug testing location's results.

Finish Probation Onsite Aqua past results

Get Started

Over 400 testing locations supported.

We Record Drug Test Hotlines

If you were wrongly accused of missing a drug test, we store recordings to prove your innocence.

Over 400 testing locations supported, including Averhealth, Sentry and ArcPoint drug testing sites.

Finish Probation Test Locations AverHealth ArcPoint Sentry

Get Started

Avoid being on your probation officer's bad side.

Progression Assistant

Simplify probation officer check-ins by showing them your progression and your accountability.

Keep staying clear of asking questions about your probation sentence that you should already know the answer to.


Your end date is
May 29, 2025

Days left
Less than 3 months left.

18 drug tests on record.Estimated 9 tests left until May 29, 2025.

60 community service hours on record.40.0 hours left to finish.

7 classes on record.Estimated 5 classes left to finish.

4 payments on record.Total: $3,500.00

5 misc records submitted by you.

See your progression.

Keep everyone in the loop.

Accountability Members

Do you have a concerned friend or family member that wants constant updates on your progress?

Each record you create on the mobile app can send an email to your accountability members. They stay in the loop of your progress without you having to tell them.

Let them know now.

We are helping as many
people as we can.

I have severe anxiety and this has bound me to my house, but you’ve given me some freedom.

- Florida Resident

This app has really given me a lot of peace of mind the last few months.

- Michigan Resident

Probation has given me PTSD and your notifications ease my soul.

- Nebraska Resident

Plans and Pricing

A subscription comes with a free one week trial.

Monthly Cost
Free: $0.00Subscription: $6.99
Calculate days and work left in your probation sentence
Free: Subscription:
Listen to the daily drug test recordings
Free: Subscription:
Get access to the mobile app
Free: Subscription:
Document drug tests, community service hours, classes, and payments
Free version has a max limit of 10 records

Learn about creating records
Free: Subscription:
Add accountability members that receive emails on your progressLearn about accountability members
Free: Subscription:
Get notified when you are required to take a drug testLearn about drug test notifications
Free: Subscription:
See how often your drug testing color was called in a 90 day span.Learn more about past test results
Free: Subscription:

Monthly Cost$0.00$6.99
Calculate days and work left in your probation sentence
Listen to the daily drug test recordings
Get access to the mobile app
Document drug tests, community service hours, classes, and payments
Free version has a max limit of 10 records

Learn about creating records
Add accountability members that receive emails on your progress
Learn about accountability members
Get notified when you are required to take a drug test
Learn about drug test notifications
See how often your drug testing color was called in a 90 day span.
Learn more about past test results

Get started today. No credit card required.

More than 3 million Americans are going through probation right now.

You are not alone.
You will FinishProbation.