2 test colors are required to test on 02/22/2025
We gathered this data on
2/22/2025, 11:04:56 AMCan this be done earlier?
Test Group | Date |
Tan | 02/22/2025 |
Turtle | 02/22/2025 |
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Thank you for calling the birmingham in this book. What color coast system? Today's date is Saturday, february 22nd 2025. We can test in hours are 8 AM to 12 PM. You are required to show a photo ID in order to test. You do not have a photo ID, you will not be allowed to test. You must be prepared for testing or is having a failure to produce, which is considered a no show to the courts. So please be prepared to test, do not sign it unless you are absolutely ready to test. You are required to show this color code 7 days a week, sunday through Sunday. The college for today are tan internal. Again, the colors for today are 10 internal. Thank you and have a blessed day. Thank you for calling the birmingham and just a quick call co system. Today's date is Saturday, february 22nd 2025. We can test in hours are 8 AM to 12 PM. You are required to show a photo ID in order to test. You do not have a photo ID, you will not be allowed to test. You must be prepared for testing res, haven't a failure to produce, which is considered a no show to the courts. So please be prepared to test, do not sign it unless you are absolutely ready to test. You are required to show this color code 7 days a week, sunday through Sunday. The colors for today are tan internal. Again, the colors for today are 10 internal. Thank you and have a blessed day. Thank you for calling the birmingham municipal court color coast system. Today's date is Saturday, february 22nd 2025. We can test in hours are 8 AM to 12 PM. You are required.