12 test colors are required to test on 02/21/2025
We gathered this data on
2/21/2025, 12:03:47 PMCan this be done earlier?
Test Group | Date |
Blueberry | 02/21/2025 |
Bronze | 02/21/2025 |
Coral | 02/21/2025 |
Cranberry | 02/21/2025 |
Cream | 02/21/2025 |
Fuchsia | 02/21/2025 |
Green | 02/21/2025 |
Lemon | 02/21/2025 |
Lime | 02/21/2025 |
Opal | 02/21/2025 |
Silver | 02/21/2025 |
Topaz | 02/21/2025 |
Auto Generated Speech to Text
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It's Friday, february 21st, 2000 came 5. Because for today a blueberry bronze, terry cranberry cream, fuchsia green, lemon lime, opal, silver, and topaz. If your color is cold, yeah, between the hours of 8 AM to 4 30 PM describing hi its friday february 21st 2000 came 5. The color for today a blueberry bronze, terry cranberry, pre fuchsia, green, lemon, lime, opal, silver, and topaz. If your color is cold, yeah, between the hours of 8 AM to 4 30 PM to screen hi its friday february 21st.