12 test colorss are required to test on 02/10/2025
We gathered this data on
2/10/2025, 1:48:37 PMCan this be done earlier?
Test Group | Date |
Brass | 02/10/2025 |
Copper | 02/10/2025 |
Grape | 02/10/2025 |
Gray | 02/10/2025 |
Green | 02/10/2025 |
Honeysuckle | 02/10/2025 |
Ivory | 02/10/2025 |
Navy | 02/10/2025 |
Pink | 02/10/2025 |
Raspberry | 02/10/2025 |
Scarlet | 02/10/2025 |
Yellow | 02/10/2025 |
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Morning you've reached the color code system 1st by click kind of Community corrections. Lab services. Today is Monday, february 10th. 2025. Must have a current receipt and code id to test test codes strictly enforced. No cell phone use in the lab. Lab hours 8 until 6. Please be signed in by $545.00 colors per monday. February 10 on brass, b R I S S. Copper grapes, g R A P grey t R A Y. Green honeysuckle. Bery, navy pink p I N K. Bradbury, scarlet yellow have a blessed a.