2 test numbers are required to test on 02/22/2025
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2/22/2025, 10:33:22 AMCan this be done earlier?
Test Group | Date |
Number 9465543 | 02/22/2025 |
Number 8787004 | 02/22/2025 |
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Today's saturday, february 22nd 2025. All you ways need to be dropped between 12 am to 4 PM and 8 PM to 11, 59 PM. 94655438787004. Thank you. Thank you for calling the bd clark, residential facility in mason city, iowa, to speak with residential manager, john, show dial 1200 for collins, c O. Dial 1220 for pete john pierre, dial 1221 for food service leader, becky urban dial one to 80. And for all other inquiries, press 0 for the operator. If you are calling for the state and federal u A colors, please listen to the following options for the state you a colors of the day. Press 3 for federal us press 4. Thank you for calling the B. G clark, residential facility in mason, city, iowa, to speak with residential manager, john, show dial 1200 for collins, c O. Dial 1220 for pete john pierre, dial 1221 for food service leader, becky: airman, dial 1280. And for all other inquiries, press 0 for the operator. If you are calling for the state and federal, you a colors, please listen to the following options for the state you a colors of the day. Press 3 for federal us press 4. Thank you for calling the bd clark, residential facility in mason city, iowa, to speak with residential manager, john, show dial 1200 for collins, c O. Dial 1220 for pete john pierre, dial 1221 for food service leader, becky: airman, dial 1280. And for all other inquiries, press 0 for the operator. If you are calling for the state and federal u A colors, please listen to the following options for the state you a colors of the day press.