Drug testing at Sixth District Gerald R Hinzman Center in Linn County, Cedar Rapids IA

Previously, there were 9 drug testing colors required to test at Sixth District Gerald R Hinzman Center. The colors were Number 7756103, Number 7228903, Number 381539, Number 9588 and 5 other colors. There are a total of 710 probation test colors at Sixth District Gerald R Hinzman Center. Below we calculated the colors history of each of these testing colors over the last 90 days.

9 test colors are required to test on 02/10/2025

We gathered this data on
2/10/2025, 11:02:56 AM
Can this be done earlier?

Sixth District Gerald R Hinzman Center latest test colors
Test GroupDate
Number 775610302/10/2025
Number 722890302/10/2025
Number 38153902/10/2025
Number 958802/10/2025
Number 910815302/10/2025
Number 115844102/10/2025
Number 425277302/10/2025
Number 153902/10/2025
Number 700402/10/2025

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Hello, you've reached the veteran or you a mailbox. Today is Monday, february 10th. The following numbers need a report for your analysis between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM. Today. Any medications you are taking mister, brought with you at the time we drop along with a photo ID. There are no home confinement numbers for today. The federal probation numbers are number 775-6103, number 722-8903, number 381539. Number 9588, number 910-8153, number 115-8441, number 425-2773, number 1539, number 7004. Thank you. Goodbye.

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