Drug testing at Waterloo Residential Facility in Black Hawk County, Waterloo IA

Today, there are 4 drug testing numbers required to test at Waterloo Residential Facility. The numbers are Number 6752, Number 7860371, Number 374284 and Number 1763392. There are a total of 317 probation test numbers at Waterloo Residential Facility. Below we calculated the numbers history of each of these testing numbers over the last 90 days.

4 test numbers are required to test on 04/23/2024

We gathered this data on
4/23/2024, 10:02:52 AM
Can this be done earlier?

Waterloo Residential Facility latest test numbers
Test GroupDate
Number 675204/23/2024
Number 786037104/23/2024
Number 37428404/23/2024
Number 176339204/23/2024

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You have reached the waterloo residential correctional facility. Today is Tuesday, april 23rd, 2024. The following numbers are scheduled to report a 314 East 6th Street, one of the iowa to provide a urine sample between the hours of 9 AM. And 9 PM, number 6752, number 786-0371, number 374284, number 176-3392. This includes today is instructions.

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