Drug testing at Waterloo Residential Facility in Black Hawk County, Waterloo IA

Today, there are 6 drug testing numbers required to test at Waterloo Residential Facility. The numbers are Number 7134393, Number 6073441, Number 1578141, Number 2573 and Number 4463113. There are a total of 370 probation test numbers at Waterloo Residential Facility. Below we calculated the numbers history of each of these testing numbers over the last 90 days.

6 test numbers are required to test on 02/22/2025

We gathered this data on
2/22/2025, 11:03:33 AM
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Waterloo Residential Facility latest test numbers
Test GroupDate
Number 713439302/22/2025
Number 607344102/22/2025
Number 157814102/22/2025
Number 257302/22/2025
Number 446311302/22/2025
Number 543971302/22/2025

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Reached the water. The residential correctional 30 today is Saturday, february 22nd 2025. The following numbers are scattered reports, 314, East 6th Street waterloo. I would have already here in sub to in the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM. Please remember, bring a photo ID with you. Number 713-4393, number 607-3441, number 157-8141. Number 2573, number 446-3113, number 543-9713. This concludes business access.

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