10 test colors are required to test on 02/04/2025
We gathered this data on
2/4/2025, 12:03:19 PMCan this be done earlier?
Test Group | Date |
Apple | 02/04/2025 |
Blue | 02/04/2025 |
Cinnamon | 02/04/2025 |
Cucumber | 02/04/2025 |
Ebony | 02/04/2025 |
Green | 02/04/2025 |
Olive | 02/04/2025 |
Pear | 02/04/2025 |
Tomato | 02/04/2025 |
Vanilla | 02/04/2025 |
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Thank you for calling. The portable testing services in today is Tuesday, february, 4th, 2025. And a reporting groups for the day will be apple blue sentiment to cover ebony green. I live here, tomato. But now your group has been call get a test either on our am shift or our p of ship, the testing i think for calling and have a safe and progressive day. Sorry, mailbox is full to send an S M S notification. Press 5.