Drug testing at DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center in Genesee County, Flint MI

Today, there are 9 drug testing colors required to test at DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center. The colors are Woodhaven Emerald, Woodhaven Red, Woodhaven Lavender, Woodhaven Gold and 5 other colors. There are a total of 71 probation test colors at DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center. Below we calculated the colors history of each of these testing colors over the last 90 days.

9 test colors are required to test on 04/25/2024

We gathered this data on
4/25/2024, 9:05:29 AM
Can this be done earlier?

DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center latest test colors
Test GroupDate
Woodhaven Emerald04/25/2024
Woodhaven Red04/25/2024
Woodhaven Lavender04/25/2024
Woodhaven Gold04/25/2024
Woodhaven Aqua04/25/2024
Flint Courts Yellow04/25/2024
Flint Courts Orange04/25/2024
Flint Courts Brown04/25/2024
Flint Sobriety Courts Yellow04/25/2024

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To his thursday, april 25th masters are not honor protesting to the new location. I was wondering if the location are emerald reg, lavender, gold, and aqua, which is the best, you know, 630 to 9 o'clock AM 5 o'clock the 7 o'clock PM. Social slides, 60 something district courts are yellow, orange in brown color for the french about the court is yellow. You're not supposed to call today for the food drug and specially crunch or just testing are 7 to 10 AM, 3 o'clock or 6 o'clock PM. Your call is being called today from mesquite. Again today is Thursday, april 25th, that are not requiring for testing and the location was for the wood table location or emerald rad, under gold aqua hours of testers. 30 to 9 o'clock AM 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock PM commercial flight 6 champ district, which are no orange in brown for the food sobriety court is young. You're not going to be called to do for the, for the insurance, like works hours for testing or some of the 10 AM 3 o'clock or 6 o'clock PM. You're not going to be call today from muskegon.

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