Drug testing at DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center in Isabella County, Mt. Pleasant MI

Today, there are 9 drug testing colors required to test at DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center. The colors are Woodhaven Emerald, Woodhaven Red, Woodhaven Pink, Woodhaven Yellow and 5 other colors. There are a total of 71 probation test colors at DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center. Below we calculated the colors history of each of these testing colors over the last 90 days.

9 test colors are required to test on 04/19/2024

We gathered this data on
4/19/2024, 9:03:31 AM
Can this be done earlier?

DNA Drug and Alcohol Testing Center latest test colors
Test GroupDate
Woodhaven Emerald04/19/2024
Woodhaven Red04/19/2024
Woodhaven Pink04/19/2024
Woodhaven Yellow04/19/2024
Flint Courts Yellow04/19/2024
Flint Courts Teal04/19/2024
Flint Courts Brown04/19/2024
Flint Courts Aqua04/19/2024
Flint Sobriety Courts Yellow04/19/2024

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These farming, implementing masks are not requiring, protecting the 0 cage commercial or what have location r M A old reg. Take yellow hours of testing 630 to 9 o'clock AM 5 to 7 o'clock PM. Hello should have food. 60 some districts which are yellow, t O brown or color flinched by the court is yellow, is not going to be carpeted in full drug and special records or so tested are 7, 10 AM 3 o'clock or 6 o'clock. Yeah. Not going to be called today from speaking again today is Friday, april 19th masks are not required for testing at edu location courses. The wouldn't even location I am old. Read think no hours protested in 630 to 9 o'clock, 8. Yeah. 5 o'clock to 75. Pm color she before she said this records are yellow, p O brown aqua color for the friendship by the court in yellow, they're not going to call today for the food drug and special porch hours of testing are $7.00 to $10.00 days. Now 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock the time you're not costing call today from excuse me I.

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