Drug testing at Hennepin County Lyndale Location Minneapolis MN

Today, there is 1 drug testing team required to test at Hennepin County Lyndale Location. The team is Team 17. There are a total of 21 probation test teams at Hennepin County Lyndale Location. Below we calculated the teams history of each of these testing teams over the last 90 days.

1 test team is required to test on 03/29/2025

We gathered this data on
3/29/2025, 11:01:31 AM
Can this be done earlier?

Hennepin County Lyndale Location latest test team
Test GroupDate
Team 1703/29/2025

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Hello, you've reached the random drug testing line teams that we change each day automatically at 5 30 PM for the following day. You can skip through this message any time by pressing any number on your keypad. Today is. March 29th, 2025. Please report to the client and community restoration building, located at 3000 north 2nd Street in Minneapolis. Checking hours are 8 AM to 11 45 AM today's teams our team 17. Again, today's teams our team. 17. If you are experiencing any symptoms or have been exposed to cobit 19, please do not report to the testing location. If you are intoxicated, do not drive yourself to the testing location, contact her probation officer for further direction. Thank you and have a great a.

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