24 test colors are required to test on 03/13/2025
We gathered this data on
3/13/2025, 10:04:05 AMCan this be done earlier?
Test Group | Date |
Flannel | 03/13/2025 |
Private | 03/13/2025 |
S S Sierra Sierra | 03/13/2025 |
Gamma | 03/13/2025 |
Jade | 03/13/2025 |
8 | 03/13/2025 |
Iota | 03/13/2025 |
Kappa | 03/13/2025 |
A Adam | 03/13/2025 |
C C Cool Cat | 03/13/2025 |
Plaid | 03/13/2025 |
J J Juliet Juliet | 03/13/2025 |
Omega | 03/13/2025 |
Purple | 03/13/2025 |
Zeta | 03/13/2025 |
Red | 03/13/2025 |
SS1 | 03/13/2025 |
O O Ocean Ocean | 03/13/2025 |
4 | 03/13/2025 |
E Edward | 03/13/2025 |
5 | 03/13/2025 |
W2 | 03/13/2025 |
12 | 03/13/2025 |
Y York | 03/13/2025 |
Auto Generated Speech to Text
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Good morning. You have reached the district 3, a drug testing unit. Today's date is Thursday, march 13th, 2025. If you have a fever, dry cough or any of the combined coping 19 symptoms, please contact your officer and do not report to testing. Remember, you must have an ID to test. The colors increase for today or flannel. Private. S. S. Sierra sierra gamma. Jade. 8. I owed kappa. A. Adam d C. Cool cat plus j. J. Juliet juliet omega purple zeta. Read. S. S one. O ocean ocean for e, edward 5, W 2. 12. And why york you must report between the hours of 5 AM to 8 30 AM. Testing will close at 8 30 AM short. To repeat the announcement press one. To repeat the announcement, press one. To repeat the announcement press one.