2 test colors are required to test on 02/10/2025
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2/10/2025, 11:34:06 AMCan this be done earlier?
Test Group | Date |
Number 22 | 02/10/2025 |
Number 18 | 02/10/2025 |
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And Please remember to call per your chemical testing between the hours of 5 AM and 8 AM daily for today. Monday, february 10th. We will be testing number 22 at the creighton city office from 9 to 10. The San t health Center from 11 to 12 and number 18 at the wayne sheriffs office from 12 to one. Again for today, monday, february 10th. We will be testing number 22 at the creighton city office from 9 to 10. The San t health Center from 11 to 12 and number 18 at the wayne sheriffs office from 12 to one. Please remember to call per your chemical testing between the hours of 5 AM and 8 AM daily. For today, monday, february 10th. We will be testing number 22 at the creighton city office from 9 to 10. This anti health Center from 11 to 12 and number 18 at the wayne sheriffs office from 12 to one. Again for today, monday, february 10th, we will be testing number 22 at the creighton city office from 9 to 10. The San t health Center from 11 to 12, and number 18 at the wayne sheriffs office from 12 to one. Good bye.