Drug testing at Bowling Green Municipal Court in Wood County, Bowling Green OH
Previously, there were 2 drug testing colors required to test at Bowling Green Municipal Court. The colors were Teal and Red. There are a total of 20 probation test colors at Bowling Green Municipal Court. Below we calculated the colors history of each of these testing colors over the last 90 days.
2 test colors are required to test on 03/26/2025
We gathered this data on 3/26/2025, 12:01:20 AMCan this be done earlier?
You can call the Court every Tuesday after 5:00 pm (419-352-5263) and select option 6 the random drug screen program on the phone menu. If your color is stated on the message, you are required to report to the Probation Department the Thursday of that week between 9:00 am – 3:00 pm for your drug screen.
Prescription Medicine
If you are taking any prescription medication that would hinder results of a drug test, you MUST bring in a current prescription bottle to serve as proof.
Positive Tests
In the event that a positive test is provided, and you drove to the court, you will be instructed to find an alternative way home. Due to the fact that our tests account for levels of substances in your system LESS than the state allows, you could be charged with OVI if pulled over after leaving the court.
Positive tests are routinely sent to a laboratory to quantify the levels of substance in your system. If the test is sent to a lab, you will be charged $40.00 to cover that expense. Any positive drug test may result in a community control violation.
Any attempts to alter the results of your drug screen including the introduction of an outside urine sample regardless of the source will be considered tampering with evidence ORC 2921.12 a felony of the third degree.
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