Drug testing at Human Skills in Rogers County, Claremore OK

Previously, there were 18 drug testing colors required to test at Human Skills. The colors were Creek County Yellow, Creek County Rainbow, Creek County Magenta, Creek County Cobalt and 14 other colors. There are a total of 82 probation test colors at Human Skills. Below we calculated the colors history of each of these testing colors over the last 90 days.

18 test colors are required to test on 02/10/2025

We gathered this data on
2/10/2025, 12:32:17 PM
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Human Skills latest test colors
Test GroupDate
Creek County Yellow02/10/2025
Creek County Rainbow02/10/2025
Creek County Magenta02/10/2025
Creek County Cobalt02/10/2025
Creek County Brown02/10/2025
Creek County Lime02/10/2025
Creek County Tan02/10/2025
Creek County Aqua02/10/2025
Creek County Copper02/10/2025
Creek County Lavender02/10/2025
Craig County Maize02/10/2025
Rogers County Gold02/10/2025
Rogers County Brown02/10/2025
Creek County Drug Court Gray02/10/2025
Creek County Drug Court Purple02/10/2025
Creek County Drug Court Red02/10/2025
Federal Client Beige02/10/2025
Federal Client Bronze02/10/2025

Auto Generated Speech to Text

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Today is Monday, february 10th, 2025. Talk to you a hours of 9 AM to 5 30 PM to offer you a hours for mail. 7 AM to 6 45 PM. Females. 8 30 AM to 645 PM, for creek county. Do I have notes on the yellow label? magenta. Cole. Brown line can copper and 11th grade mays and largest tony, the vitamins are gold and brown. So please tell me to call you I always mail 7 AM to 3 PM. Females. 8 30 AM 4 30 PM. The randoms are gray, purple, and red. The federal client use must be smooth, tulsa location, located at 2140 south harvard, 3 hours 9 AM to 7 PM. The redlands are beach and ball. Thank you. Goodbye.

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