Drug testing at Smith County Tyler TX

Today, there are 2 drug testing colors required to test at Smith County. The colors are Cherry and Sunflower. There are a total of 75 probation test colors at Smith County. Below we calculated the colors history of each of these testing colors over the last 90 days.

2 test colors are required to test on 04/26/2024

We gathered this data on
4/26/2024, 12:04:38 AM
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Smith County latest test colors
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Your analysis colors for Friday, april 26th, are cherry and sunflower. If you're your analysis, colors are cherry and sunflower. You must report to that your analysis technician and submit to a year analysis on Friday, april 26 from 7 AM to 4 PM. If you need to report to our office for your analysis, please do so before 4 PM. Thank you. The email that you have. I think the said 70 phones that if they showed up on the one that is already not considered as a household, they might have important I think on this. Thank me cause and then is there any match what has been done? The 90 2 39 PM and find these things happening in the database. He needs to see the same myself. You see? No, no, no, that is noting that I got the one that that they get us. Yeah, thanks for calling. Goodbye.

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